TexText 0.11 for Inkscape 0.92
Installation (Inkscape 0.92)
Usage (TexText 0.11)
- The GUI (TexText 0.11)
- TexText 0.11 extension entry
- Dialog overview
- Available TeX compilers
- Preamble file
- Scaling of the output
- Alignment of the output
- Colorization of the output
- Preview button
- Configuration of the default TeX math-environment
- Selecting the shortcut for closing the TexText 0.11 window
- Configuration of the code editor
- Further reading
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ, TexText 0.11)
- Explicit setting of font size
- Selection of special fonts
- Using special characters like German Umlaute (äüö) etc.
- Using TexText with older Inkscape versions
- Extension not shown in the Inkscape Extension menu
- Windows with MiKTeX: Compilation fails with empty error dialog
- Set Inkscape python interpreter to Python2
- Troubleshooting (TexText 0.11)