Textext was initially based on InkLaTeX written by Toru Araki.
It has been rewritten by Pauli Virtanen <> in 2006 and maintained until 2009.
It has been heavily extended by Pit Garbe <> in 2014.
Since 2014 it is maintained and developed by Sergei Izmailov <> and Jan Winkler <>.
The following people also contributed to TexText, either by contributions to the source code or by suggestions in discussions that went into the development of the project.
Alexander Blinne
Antonio Russo
Brian Clarke
Frank Skarman
Florent Becker
Jonas (the16thpythonist)
Markus Wallerberger
Michael Struwig
Noel Kuntze
Patrick Kappl
Robert Szalai
Rafal Kolanski
Toru Araki
Vladislav Gavryusev