Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Defining keyboard shortcut for opening TexText dialog

  1. In Inkscape open Edit -> Preferences -> Interface -> Keyboard Shortcuts

  2. Find the TexText entry in the Extensions category

  3. Within the Shortcut column click next to the TexText entry. An entry New accelerator appears in the Shortcut column.

  4. Now type the keyboard shortcut you intend to use, e.g. CTRL + T. Inkscape informs you if the shortcut is already in use.

Explicit setting of font size

If you want the font size of your compiled LaTeX code to be of a specific size then you have to do three things:

  1. Set the scale factor of the node to 1.0

  2. Ensure that the document scale is 1.0 mm per user unit (File - Document Properties...). Usually, this is the case.

  3. Enter your code as following if you want to have a 14pt sized font for the text This is my Text:

{\fontsize{14pt}{1em}\selectfont This is my Text.}

The resulting text should be of equal height as if has been typeset directly in Inkscape.

Font size example

If you want to change the default font size you can do that by specifying it in the Preamble file (LaTeX compilers only).

% ***rest of the preamble file***

This is convenient, e.g., if you want to create multiple nodes with the same, specific font size.

Selection of special fonts

Usually your code is typeset in the LaTeX standard fonts. As usual, you can use commands like textbf{}, textsf{} etc. in your code. If you want to select a special font, e.g. the beloved Times New Roman from MS Word, then proceed as follows:

  1. Open the file default_packages.tex which resides in the extension subdirectory (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Inkscape\extensions\textext on Windows, ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/textext on Linux) and enter the following two lines:

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
  1. Save the file and recompile your node. You can also define different preamble files and load them dependent on your node, see Dialog overview.

Using special characters like German Umlaute (äüö) etc.

If you want to use special characters which are not understood by plain LaTeX in your nodes you have two options:

  1. Include the directive \usepackage[utf-8]{inputenc} in the preamble file, see Preamble file (LaTeX compilers only).

  2. Use xelatex or lualatex as TeX command, see Available compilers.

Compiling LaTeX code with additional command line options (e.g. -shell-escape)

By default, your LaTeX code is compiled with the command line options -interaction=nonstopmode and -halt-on-error. If you would like to add addtional options like -shell-escape do the following:

  1. Navigate to the directory in which the TexText extension resides (Linux: ~./config/inkscape/extensions/textext, Windows: C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\textext).

  2. Open and edit and the file LATEX_OPTIONS. Add exactly one option per line and make sure that the default options -interaction=nonstopmode and -halt-on-error are not deleted!.

Using TexText with Inkscape 0.92.x

Please use TexText 0.11.x, see Installation (Inkscape 0.92)

Extension not shown in the Inkscape Extension menu

If the the TexText entry is not shown in the Extension --> Text menu of Inkscape proceed with the following checks:

  1. Make sure that the setup procedure completed successfully. Double check its final output.

  2. Launch Inkscape, open the Edit menu, select Preferences, then select System in the tree-view to the left and check the entry User exentsions in the right part of the window. Its entry should be

    • on Linux/ MacOS: /home/[your user name]/.config/inkscape/extensions

    • on Windows: C:\Users\[Your user name]\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions

    If you use different locations you must run the setup script with the --inkscape-extensions-path option.

    Linux/ MacOS:

    python --inkscape-extensions-path /path/to/your/extensions


    setup_win.bat --inkscape-extensions-path "C:\Path\to your extensions"

    Alternatively you can select the correct directory in the GUI installer.

Error message “GUI framework cannot be initialized”

The reason for this error might be related to a missing package in your TeX distribution, see Windows with MiKTeX: Compilation fails with empty error dialog just below. In that case the error message is quite misleading.

Windows with MiKTeX: Compilation fails with empty error dialog

If the compilation of your LaTeX code fails with an empty error dialog and the expanded view of stderr (see TexText does not show up at all) shows an entry like

Sorry, but pdflatex.exe did not succeed.

The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:

the most likely reason is that MiKTeX tries to install a package on the fly and fails to do so. Manually compile your code as described in Manual use of the toolchain. Then you will see what goes wrong so you can fix it. See also the warning in Preparation.