.. |TexText| replace:: **TexText** .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash :class: highlight .. role:: latex(code) :language: latex :class: highlight .. _faq: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -------------------------------- .. contents:: :local: .. _define-keyboard-shortcut: Defining keyboard shortcut for opening |TexText| dialog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. In Inkscape open :bash:`Edit` -> :bash:`Preferences` -> :bash:`Interface` -> :bash:`Keyboard Shortcuts` 2. Find the |TexText| entry in the :bash:`Extensions` category 3. Within the :bash:`Shortcut` column click next to the |TexText| entry. An entry `New accelerator` appears in the :bash:`Shortcut` column. 4. Now type the keyboard shortcut you intend to use, e.g. :bash:`CTRL` + :bash:`T`. Inkscape informs you if the shortcut is already in use. .. _faq-font-size: Explicit setting of font size ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want the font size of your compiled LaTeX code to be of a specific size then you have to do two things: 1. Set the scale factor of the node to 1.0 2. Enter your code as following if you want to have a ``14pt`` sized font for the text `This is my Text`\: .. code-block:: latex \fontsize{14pt}{1em}{\selectfont This is my Text.} The resulting text should be of equal height as if has been typeset directly in Inkscape. .. figure:: ../images/texttext-fontsize-example.png :alt: Font size example If you want to change the default font size you can do that by specifying it in the :ref:`usage-preamble-file`. .. code-block:: latex \documentclass[12pt]{article} % ***rest of the preamble file*** This is convenient, e.g., if you want to create multiple nodes with the same, specific font size. .. _faq-font-custom-font: Selection of special fonts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usually your code is typeset in the LaTeX standard fonts. As usual, you can use commands like :latex:`\textbf{}`, :latex:`\textsf{}` etc. in your code. If you want to select a special font, e.g. the beloved *Times New Roman* from MS Word, then proceed as follows: 1. Open the file ``default_packages.tex`` which resides in the extension subdirectory (``%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Inkscape\extensions\textext`` on Windows, ``~/.config/inkscape/extensions/textext`` on Linux) and enter the following two lines: .. code-block:: latex \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} 2. Save the file and recompile your node. You can also define different preamble files and load them dependent on your node, see :ref:`usage-dialog-overview`. .. _faq-utf8: Using special characters like German Umlaute (äüö) etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to use special characters which are not understood by plain LaTeX in your nodes you have two options: 1. Include the directive ``\usepackage[utf-8]{inputenc}`` in the preamble file, see :ref:`usage-preamble-file`. 2. Use ``xelatex`` or ``lualatex`` as TeX command, see :ref:`usage-tex-compilers`. .. _faq-old-inkscape: Using TexText with Inkscape 0.92.x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please use |TexText| 0.11.x, see :ref:`tt0x-installation-toc` Extension not shown in the Inkscape Extension menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the the |TexText| entry is not shown in the ``Extension --> Text`` menu of Inkscape proceed with the following checks: 1. Make sure that the setup procedure completed successfully. Double check its final output. 2. Launch Inkscape, open the ``Edit`` menu, select ``Preferences``, then select ``System`` in the tree-view to the left and check the entry ``User exentsions`` in the right part of the window. Its entry should be - on Linux/ MacOS: ``/home/[your user name]/.config/inkscape/extensions`` - on Windows: ``C:\Users\[Your user name]\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions`` If you use different locations you must run the setup script with the ``--inkscape-extensions-path`` option. Linux/ MacOS: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py --inkscape-extensions-path /path/to/your/extensions Windows .. code-block:: bash setup_win.bat --inkscape-extensions-path "C:\Path\to your extensions" Alternatively you can select the correct directory in the GUI installer. Error message "GUI framework cannot be initialized" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The reason for this error might be related to a missing package in your TeX distribution, see :ref:`faq_missing_packages` just below. In that case the error message is quite misleading. .. _faq_missing_packages: Windows with MiKTeX: Compilation fails with empty error dialog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the compilation of your LaTeX code fails with an empty error dialog and the expanded view of ``stderr`` (see :ref:`trouble_latex`) shows an entry like .. code-block:: bash Sorry, but pdflatex.exe did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: the most likely reason is that MiKTeX tries to install a package on the fly and fails to do so. Manually compile your code as described in :ref:`trouble_manual_compile`. Then you will see what goes wrong so you can fix it. See also the warning in :ref:`windows-install-preparation`.