.. |TexText| replace:: **TexText for Inkscape 1.x** .. |Inkscape| replace:: **Inkscape 1.x** .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash :class: highlight .. _advanced-install: ============================= Advanced installation options ============================= The :bash:`setup.py` / :bash:`setup_win.bat` installation script offers several options to adapt the installation process to your system configuration: -h, --help Show help message and exit. --inkscape-extensions-path INKSCAPE_EXTENSIONS_PATH Path to inkscape extensions directory. Use this if the user extensions are installed in an unusual place. --inkscape-executable INKSCAPE_EXECUTABLE Full path to inkscape executable. Use this if |Inkscape| is not found automatically by the setup script (Test- or Beta-installations). --pdflatex-executable PDFLATEX_EXECUTABLE Full path to pdflatex executable. --lualatex-executable LUALATEX_EXECUTABLE Full path to lualatex executable. --xelatex-executable XELATEX_EXECUTABLE Full path to xelatex executable. --typst-executable TYPST_EXECUTABLE Full path to typst executable. --portable-apps-dir INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY_OF_PORTABLEAPPS Windows only: If you use Inkscape from PortableApps use this parameter to specifiy the directory into which PortableApps has been installed, e.g. ``C:\Users\YourUserName\PortableApps``. It ensures that |TexText| is installed correctly into the PortableApps structure. .. attention:: If you also have your LaTeX distribution installed in PortableApps you need to specify the paths to the latex executables by using the ``--pdflatex-executable`` and/or ``--lualatex-executable`` and/or ``--xelatex-executable`` arguments. --skip-requirements-check Bypass minimal requirements check. |TexText| will be installed even if the requirements for running it are not meat. --skip-extension-install Don't install extension (just check the requirements). --keep-previous-installation-files Keep/discard files from previous installation, suppress prompt. --all-users Install globally for all users (sudo/ admin privileges required) .. caution:: Usually, this works well. However, you should keep in mind that the |TexText| files are copied into Inkscape's global extension folder, hence cluttering your Inkscape installation. You may need to remove these files manually when you uninstall Inkscape. --color always, --color never Enables/disable console colors.